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Adquiere cualquiera de nuestros productos sin costo de envío (sólo a Lima - Perú).
Kit Máquinas simples
Tapetes Blue Bot -
originales TTS
Niños de 3 a 7 años
S/ 80.00
Kit Wedo 2.0
Kit EV3
Material lúdico
S/ 25.00
Software Lektor Kids
Espacio Metaverso
Alquiler mundo 3D
$ 100.00
Realizar el pago mediante:
Cuenta BBVA: 0011-0113-02006431-64
CCI: 011-113-000200643164-83
A nombre de Technology Quality Group
*Enviar voucher de pago al 967 807 432.
We provide such services
We provide qualified legal assistance in civil, criminal, economic and other branches of law. For the time of our work, we have helped our Clients resolve the most difficult issues, as evidenced by positive feedback.
Services for individuals:
- Consulting
- Land disputes
- Civil cases
- Support of transactions
- Obtaining a passport
For legal entities:
- Contract law
- Registration of legal entities
- Labor disputes
- Obtaining licenses
How We Work with Clients
Preparation of a package
of documents
Meeting with a lawyer, signing
a contract
Terms of payment for the
performance of work
Why People Choose Our Company and Not Others?
Using dummy content or fake information in the Web design process can result in products with unrealistic assumptions and potentially serious design flaws. A seemingly elegant design can quickly begin to bloat unexpected content or break under the weight of actual activity.
These companies trust us *
Our organization has established itself as a reliable and stable partner
We combine the quality of services and a deep understanding of the law
An effective way to protect the client's rights and achieve maximum results